NAV Job Vacancy Feed


This API provides a feed of job vacancies in Norway. NAV’s Job Database contains a majority of all publicly advertised job vacancies in Norway.

This API provides a feed with all the job vacancies we have the opportunity to share. The job vacancies are either directly registered at NAV or obtained through third parties/ATS systems. (vacancies from are not included in the API)

Each change to an ad will generate a new entry in the feed, but when querying for the details of a vacancy you will only receive the newest data.

Note: If an ad is actively stopped (i.e. not simply inactive because of expiry), it will be updated by masking or removing certain fields including title, employer, business and contact information.

Consumers are responsible for keeping their data up to date by subscribing to the feed, with extra consideration for not exposing contact information for inactive vacancies.

API specification

Open API specification is available in both SwaggerUI and Redoc.

Who can use this service?

Anyone can use this API free of charge, but by doing so you agree to the terms of use. However, API is not publicly open and requires authentication using a signed JWT token.

In order to receive a private token, you need to be registered as a consumer. Please provide us with a written confirmation that you agree to the terms of use as described above, as well the following information by email to

  • Identifier (Company name etc.)
  • Contact email
  • Contact phone number
  • Contact person

Authorization request example

The API is not publicly open, all requests need to be authenticated using the HTTP bearer authorization header.


Accept: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <your secret key>

Using the feed

Please see the OpenApi specification for details about the endpoints and response data structure.

Suggested usage:

  1. Start by fetching a page you want to start with. You can fetch the first, the last, or use the header If-Modified-Since to specify a start time.
  2. The response will include the field next_url which can be used to fetch the next page.
  3. A page contains a number of items consisting of top-level details about a vacancy, and an url field that can be queried to get the details of the given vacancy.
  4. When the end of the feed has been reached, the page will contain next_url and next_id = null. The consumer should poll the current site until these point to a new page. As described in the note below, it is recommended to use the ETag and Last-Modified request headers.

Note: A page response will contain the headers ETag and Last-Modified.

These can be supplied to a request for a given page with the ETag and Last-Modified request-headers, and will be used to check if the contents of the page has changed since the last time.

It is recommended to use these when re-requesting for a given page, as they will return 304 if contents have not changed since last time, and thus minimize data-transfer. This will also potentially make it easier for the consumer application to know how to react to the response.

Response objects

Feed page

  "version": "string - Version of the feed",
  "title": "string - Feed title",
  "home_page_url": "string",
  "feed_url": "string - relative url of the returned feed-page",
  "description": "string",
  "next_url": "string - relative url to the next page in the feed",
  "id": "string - ID of the current page",
  "next_id": "string - ID of next page",
  "items": [

Feed item

  "id": "string - Id of the entry",
  "url": "string - URL for fetching the details of the given vacancy",
  "title": "string - Job vacancy title",
  "content_text": "string",
  "date_modified": "2023-05-25T07:47:08.935Z - ISO formatted time for last change to the ad",
  "_feed_entry": {
    "uuid": "string - UUID for the ad",
    "status": "string - Status of the given ad, can be ACTIVE or INACTIVE",
    "title": "string - Title of the ad",
    "businessName": "string - Name of the business",
    "municipal": "string - Municipal of the work place",
    "sistEndret": "2023-05-25T07:47:08.935Z - ISO formatted time for last change to the ad"

Feed entry

  "uuid": "string",
  "json": {
    "uuid": "string",
    "published": "2023-05-25T08:06:08.355Z",
    "expires": "2023-05-25T08:06:08.355Z",
    "updated": "2023-05-25T08:06:08.355Z",
    "workLocations": [
        "country": "string",
        "address": "string",
        "city": "string",
        "postalCode": "string",
        "county": "string",
        "municipal": "string"
     "contactList": [
           "name": "string",
           "email": "string",
           "phone": "string",
           "role": "string",
           "title": "string"
    "title": "string",
    "description": "string",
    "sourceurl": "string",
    "source": "string",
    "applicationUrl": "string",
    "applicationDue": "string",
    "occupationCategories": [
        "level1": "string",
        "level2": "string"
    "categoryList": [
        "categoryType": "string",
        "code": "string",
        "name": "string",
        "score": 0
    "jobtitle": "string",
    "link": "string",
    "employer": {
      "name": "string",
      "orgnr": "string",
      "description": "string",
      "homepage": "string"
    "engagementtype": "string",
    "extent": "string",
    "starttime": "string",
    "positioncount": "string",
    "sector": "string"
  "sistEndret": "2023-05-25T08:06:08.355Z",
  "status": "string"

Contact & Questions

If you have questions or suggestions feel free to report it as an issue on GitHub, or contact the team at