
data class SchemaModelArr<T>(var items: SchemaModel<*>?, var nullable: Boolean = false, var example: T? = null, var examples: List<T>? = null, var uniqueItems: Boolean? = null, var minItems: Int? = null, var maxItems: Int? = null, var type: DataType = DataType.array, var description: String? = null) : SchemaModel<T> (source)


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constructor(items: SchemaModel<*>?, nullable: Boolean = false, example: T? = null, examples: List<T>? = null, uniqueItems: Boolean? = null, minItems: Int? = null, maxItems: Int? = null, type: DataType = DataType.array, description: String? = null)


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open override var description: String?
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open override var example: T?
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open override var examples: List<T>?
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open fun serialize(): Map<String, Any?>