
data class SecuritySchemeModel<TScope : Enum<TScope>, Described>(val type: SecuritySchemeType, val referenceName: String, val name: String? = null, val in: APIKeyLocation? = null, val scheme: HttpSecurityScheme? = null, val bearerFormat: String? = null, val flows: FlowsModel<TScope>? = null, val openIdConnectUrl: String? = null) : DataModel(source)


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constructor(type: SecuritySchemeType, referenceName: String, name: String? = null, in: APIKeyLocation? = null, scheme: HttpSecurityScheme? = null, bearerFormat: String? = null, flows: FlowsModel<TScope>? = null, openIdConnectUrl: String? = null)


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val bearerFormat: String? = null
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val flows: FlowsModel<TScope>? = null
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val in: APIKeyLocation? = null
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val name: String? = null
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open override fun serialize(): Map<String, Any?>