
class AuthResponseContextImpl<TAuth, TResponse>(val pipeline: RoutingContext, val authProvider: AuthProvider<TAuth>, val route: OpenAPIRoute<*>, val responder: Responder) : OpenAPIPipelineAuthContext<TAuth, TResponse> (source)


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constructor(pipeline: RoutingContext, authProvider: AuthProvider<TAuth>, route: OpenAPIRoute<*>, responder: Responder)


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open override val authProvider: AuthProvider<TAuth>
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open override val pipeline: RoutingContext
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open override val responder: Responder
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open override val route: OpenAPIRoute<*>


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inline suspend fun <TResponse : Any> OpenAPIPipelineResponseContext<TResponse>.respond(response: TResponse, statusCode: HttpStatusCode = HttpStatusCode.OK)
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inline suspend fun <TResponse : Any> OpenAPIPipelineResponseContext<TResponse>.respondWithStatus(statusCode: HttpStatusCode)